Royal Visit
Posted By: Admin Team
Date: 17 Jul 2002 at 17:26
If you're interested in the Queen's tour of Norfolk tomorrow, the schedule is:
9.55am: The Duke of Edinburgh is due to open the Norfolk Nelson Museum (in Great Yarmouth) just before 10am.
10.50am: The Queen arrives in Norwich and is greeted by Lord Lieutenant Sir Timothy Colman before being driven to Norwich Castle. The route is via Tombland, Upper King Street, Prince of Wales Road, Rose Lane, Agricultural Hall Plain, Castle Meadow, Farmers Avenue and Castle Hill.
11.30am: The Queen leaves the castle for The Forum. Route: Castle Hill, Golden Ball Street, Westlegate, Rampant Horse Street, Brigg Street, Gentleman's Walk, Gaol Hill, St Peter's Street.
11.40am: The Queen and Prince Philip visit The Forum. The Queen will see the new children's library and meet pupils from Bignold Middle School who helped advise on the design. The Duke of Edinburgh will look around the USAAF Memorial Library and Origins Visitor attraction.
12.25pm: The royal party will leave The Forum. It is hoped they will go for a walkabout among the crowds outside the Forum and along the front of City Hall.